Adblock package release for turris omnia

Hi dibdot,

thank you very much for your manual how to set up adblock on Turris Omnia!

Unfortunately, when I followed your steps, it was not very straightforward for me – I’m not very experienced OpenWRT user though I have non-trivial Linux administration experience.That’s why I would like to share my step-by-step guide for other users. Feel free to update your first post if you like it.

So, here we go:

  1. [optional] Change current dir to /tmp, so you do not write to the Turris’ (precious) internal Flash memory. But you can use any dir you like…

    [turris]:/# cd /tmp

  2. Download AdBlock packages: adblock and luci-app-adblock. Find the latest version on these pages: adblock package and luci-app-adblock. Use proper links in wget commands below:

    [turris]:/tmp# wget
    [turris]:/tmp# wget

  3. Install both packages:

    [turris]:/tmp# opkg install adblock_3.0.2-1_all.ipk
    [turris]:/tmp# opkg install luci-app-adblock_git-17.257.70215-07593d2-1_all.ipk

  4. Enable module. First of all, check the present state by running:

    [turris]:/tmp# /etc/init.d/adblock enabled; echo $?

Please note that the script returned 1, which means there was some ‘error’ – this mean, the module is NOT enabled.

Let’s enable it and check the state again:

[turris]:/tmp# /etc/init.d/adblock enable
[turris]:/tmp# /etc/init.d/adblock enabled; echo $?

!!! Beware !!! Even though the /etc/init.d/adblock enable script (in version 3.0.2) returns 1 (error code), it seems that it does its job. You can verify it by running /etc/init.d/adblock enabled; echo $?. If the result is “0” (no error), the module is enabled.

  1. now, edit the kresd config file:

    vim /etc/config/resolver

and find the section config resolver 'kresd'. Add the following line:

list rpz_file "/etc/kresd/adb_list.overall"

just after the config resolver 'kresd' line. So the config may looks like this:

config resolver 'common'
    ...  // some global preferences

config resolver 'kresd'
    list rpz_file "/etc/kresd/adb_list.overall"        
    option rundir '/tmp/kresd'
    option log_stderr '1'
    option log_stdout '1'
    option forks '1'
    option dynamic_domains '0'

config resolver 'unbound'
    option outgoing_range '60'
  1. Now, go to the LuCI web interface, Services -> Adblock page and make the following changes from the “default” pre-set:
  1. make sure “Enable Adblock” is checked
  • change “DNS Backend” to “kresd”
  • change “Startup Trigger” to “timed”
  • check additional Blocklist Sources, e.g.,: adaway, adguard, blacklist, disconnect, ransomware, winspy, yoyo, zeus
  • you can check Verbose Debug Logging (if you would like to check everything is working fine)
  • check Force Local DNS
  • finally, hit “Save & Apply” button
  1. Now, verify your setup:
  1. Check /etc/init.d/adblock status:

     [turris]:/tmp# /etc/init.d/adblock status
     ::: adblock runtime information
       + adblock_status  : enabled
       + adblock_version : 3.0.2
       + blocked_domains : 82457
       + fetch_utility   : wget (built-in)
       + dns_backend     : kresd (/etc/kresd)
       + last_rundate    : 17.09.2017 01:38:35
       + system_release  : Turris Omnia, OpenWrt omnia 15.05/3.8
  2. view log file:

     [turris]:/tmp# cat /var/log/messages | grep "adblock" 
  3. check the existence of new definitions-file for kresd:

     [turris]:/tmp# ls -lh /etc/kresd/adb_list.overall
      -rw-r--r--    1 root     root        1.0M Sep 16 23:51 /etc/kresd/adb_list.overall
  4. To be sure, it is better to restart the resolver now:

     [turris]:/tmp# /etc/init.d/resolver restart
  5. let’s try to resolve some Ad-domain:

     [turris]:/tmp# nslookup localhost
     Address 1: localhost
     nslookup: can't resolve '': Name does not resolve

If you get “Name does not resolve”, the AdBlocking is working correctly.

Well, and that’s all! Happy ad-blocking! :slight_smile: