Data collection isn't collecting data

I’m having the same problem ucollect isn’t collecting data and remains offline. Like the others in this thread I started with the “re-flash router from flash drive” procedure with the latest medkit v 3.10.2. I setup my omnia manually, I did not restore any configuration files in case that was an issue.

socat is throwing an error “OPENSSL” error. I wonder if my omnia is missing an SSL cert.

2018-06-20 19:42:37 info ucollect[4564]: Reconnecting to now
2018-06-20 19:42:37 info ucollect[4564]: Socat started
2018-06-20 19:42:37 err ucollect[4564]: Error from socat: 2018/06/20 19:42:37 socat[4658] E unknown device/address "OPENSSL"
2018-06-20 19:42:37 warning ucollect[4564]: Remote closed the uplink, reconnecting
2018-06-20 19:42:37 warning ucollect[4564]: epoll_wait on 4 interrupted, retry

My firewall is sending data but ucollect refuses to collect.

Does anyone have any suggestions on correcting this problem?