DNS resolver dropouts (or hangs?)

Hello guys,

I’m fine that you’re asking about the update for this bug because I’d do that same and in this case, I don’t have good news for you, but I can give you the workaround to avoid this bug, so it will not be so annoying.

We’re still discussing this matter (mostly @vojtech.myslivec together with @vcunat from Knot Resolver team) to be able to get more details, so we would be able to reproduce it more frequently as it is happens on the irregular basis. Right now, we’re not sure, where the issue might be.

My personal opinion about this issue is that it affects somehow mostly on domains hosted at IGNUM because I didn’t see that this issue happens on other domains, yet, but Vláďa told me that it’s not probably their fault, either.

The quick workaround, what I can offer for you is to enable DNS forwarding, but I don’t know, who is your ISP. There are some cases when you don’t want to forward your DNS traffic to their servers because some of them are using an old version of BIND (DNS software) and Vojta found that there is some issue with DNSSEC, which was fixed recently in version 9.9.0 and there might be other issues.

I recommend you to forward DNS traffic to for example CZ.NIC ODVR, Cloudflare (which is using Knot DNS Resolver), Quad9.

In Turris OS 3.11, there should be the way in Foris to do it by just a few clicks together with DNS over TLS. I’ll add this option as a comment into the linked issue.

We’re so sorry for any inconvenience caused by this bug.