MOX: how to netboot?

I have similar issues with the users above. Below is the log what I have done to get network boot working for those new owners that are facing problem.

Important: Please remove the SD Card from Turris Mox for network boot.

  1. Reset to factory setting both Turris Omnia & Turris Mox.
  2. Configure Turris Omnia as per before (I reconfigured everything instead of restoring from backup)
  3. Install Turris Mox network boot package from the Updater tab in Foris. Let Turris perform the installation and reboot the device just to make sure.
  4. Connect Turris Mox to Turris Omnia LAN 4 while device is off
  5. Connect Turris Mox to power and let device boot
  6. The Foris UI for the new Managed Devices section does not work properly so I start configuring through SSH instead. Go to terminal and SSH to your Turris Omnia.
  7. Get the Turris Mox that is connected to your Turris Omnia either via Foris UI in Managed Devices -> Netboot or through SSH and run netboot-manager list. Copy the serial for the next step.
  8. In SSH execute the following command: netboot-manager accept $serial. Replace $serial with the serial you have copied in step 7. Wait for the system to do it’s thing.
  9. Once completed you should be able to see your device in Foris UI under Managed Devices -> Set Up & Managed Devices -> Wi-Fi but you will only see exclamation marks as the Foris UI is still not working as should. Congrats your Turris Mox is booting from network and act as an AP. Make sure your Turris Mox LED is blinking like a heartbeat after it fully boot.
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