Turris OS 3.11 in RC!

We have prepared a new RC version of Turris OS 3.11 containing a bunch of new version of some packages, new updates, fixed some bugs (for example that one mentioned by @Nones) and a lot of interesting things such updating NOR for all Turris 1.x owners.



  • Turris 1.x: nor-update as it was described here: Update NOR na starém Turrisu
    Because we were testing it very intensively, we’ll highly appreciate, if somebody can try it out and then do the factory reset and let us know the feedback. So, we 'd avoid if any problems to be able to fix them before flashing it to everyone, who has Turris 1.x.

  • Turris Omnia: Knot Resolver updated to version 3.1.0,
    which should fix the issue mostly with domains hosted on IGNUM.
    Described here: DNS resolver dropouts (or hangs?)


  • netdata to version 1.10.0, but we’ll update it once again to version 1.11.0
  • yara
  • tor
  • nextcloud
  • kernel
    and so on.

Added a new package: oor (OpenOverlayRouter)

We decided to release it even with one known issue, which is about LuCI and Wireguard, which is described here: Wireguard setup