Updater failed on non-existent packages after 5.0 upgrade

There is a difference. @petrcerny is talking about issues in the development branch where LuCI is not compiled TO 5.0.2 in HBK since midnight. Turris OS 5.0.2 is not in the stable neither testing branch. You might want to use switch-branch hbt or switch-branch hbs. In the documentation, there is explain what HBx means.

@jklaas It should be mention that we talked about it a little in thread Turris OS 5.0 is released! to have better context.

I wouldn’t say that these messages don’t mean anything. Those packages are not available for some reason. They were not compiled due to some errors or they were removed from feeds, which we are using. For example, there is a replacement or software that is abandoned/not-maintained.

We can not remove packages, which are not available to force an update that you installed like luci-app-access-control or any other which might be present by default. You might want to choose to uninstall it as it is not an important package to have routing functionality as it brings you the attention that there is happening something. What if that happens with kernel or hostapd and we will remove it automatically? The build should fail, but for this use case, let’s say that build proceed and we would remove critical package and routers are not working anymore.

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