Collectd-mod-nut and collectd-mod-ping not working

I can’t manage to get graphs with collectd-mod-nut nor collectd-mod-ping: rrd files contain only NaN values.
These two plugins work fine with collectd-mod-csv and csv files contain proper values.
Other collectd plugins (collectd-mod-memory…) work fine with rrd and show proper graphs.
Any idea?
Why are these packages are sooooooooooo old??? Version 4.10 is from 2010!!!

Nut graphs:

Ping graphs are also buggy:

I found issues with a lot of the collectd stuff packaged from Turris.

If you have other graphs working, I’m not sure why the ping graph isn’t working. It looks like it’s not collecting the data (hence the nan at the bottom). But I also have a broken image graph on top. So, for some reason it isn’t collecting the data.

The graph, however can be easily fixed. Once again, the version of the graph they’re using is broken. If you can find a newer version of /usr/lib/lua/luci/statistics/rrdtool/definitions/ping.lua, perhaps from a different openwrt installation, that should work. If you can’t find one, I copied my version here:

Unfortunately, I don’t use NUT. There doesn’t appear to be any significant difference in the versions of /usr/lib/lua/luci/statistics/rrdtool/definitions/nut.lua that I have. Even if the data collection wasn’t working you should see a bunch of different graphs.

Thank you very much jklaas for your answer!
As you figured, using your definitions/ping.lua files fixes the broken image, but still no data of course.
(RRD files are still empty.)
If I enable collectd-mod-csv I do get correct values, for both ping and nut.
So it definitely looks like an RRD config file bug here, but I don’t know where else to look.

Honestly, I find it a bit disappointing that on a brand new router with new OS version, installed by formatting everything so that it’s perfectly clean, something as trivial as ping watching does not work at all…
For this range of price I did not expect 5 years old libraries.
Still wondering whether I should keep it or send it back.
Really a shame because the hardware looks fabulous…

I have been struggling with these for quite a bit now. I had some partly working, nothing perfect. As far as I can see, most of these bugs were fixed in 2011 but Turris is using 2010 libraries… What a shame.

I managed to get this working… that’s good enough for me now!

-- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
function rrdargs( graph, plugin, plugin_instance, dtype )
	local voltage1 = {
		title = "%H: Battery Voltage on UPS \"%pi\"",
		vlabel = "Volt",
		number_format = "%5.1lfV",
		data = {
			instances = {
				voltage = { "battery" }
			options = {
				voltage_battery = { color = "0000ff", title = "Battery voltage", noarea=true, overlay=true }
	local voltage2 = {
                title = "%H: Power Voltage on UPS \"%pi\"",
                vlabel = "Volt",
                number_format = "%5.1lfV",
                data = {
                        instances = {
                                voltage = { "input" }
                        options = {
                                voltage_input   = { color = "ffb000", title = "Input voltage", noarea=true,             overlay=true }
	return { voltage2, voltage1 }