Set up a lvm2 raid1

Hi i’m trying to set up a lvm2 raid1.
But i get some failure at:
lvcreate -m 1 --type raid1 -L 1G --nosync -n lvm_raid1 VolGroup00
/sbin/modprobe: execvp failed: No such file or directory
/sbin/modprobe failed: 2
raid1: Required device-mapper target(s) not detected in your kernel.
Run `lvcreate --help’ for more information.

I can’t find the module execvp. Maybe anyone has some ideas.

execvp(3) is a glibc function, not a module. The error message is saying that /sbin/modprobe does not exist, which is true (there is /usr/sbin/modprobe in TurrisOS).

It is probably trying to load module dm-raid, which is unfortunatelly not available in the TurrisOS. I would recommend using mdraid, which should work.

I linked kmodloader to modprobe and got away the first error.
/usr/sbin/modprobe is a link to /sbin/kmodloader
ln -s /sbin/kmodloader /sbin/modprobe/

failed to find a module named dm-raid
raid1: Required device-mapper target(s) not detected in your kernel.
Run `lvcreate --help’ for more information.

You are right with the dm-raid module.
Is there a way to get the dm-raid module for TorrisOS?

Not an easy one. You’d have to edit modules list somewhere here, then recompile everything and hope it would work.